1. Change the title to Fizz Buzz Project 2. Inside the body, create a div with a class of container 3. Inside the container, create an h1 tag that reads Fizz Buzz Project 4. Wrap the word Fizz in a span tag with an id of fizz 5. Wrap the word Buzz in a span tag with an id of buzz 6. Below the h1 create a div with an id of fizzBuzzContainer 7. Inside of fizzBuzzContainer div create a div with an id of whatIsFizzBuzz 8. Inside of whatIsFizzBuzz div create an h2 that reads What is Fizz Buzz? 9. Below the h2 create a paragraph tag. Within the paragraph tag give an explanation of what a typical Fizz Buzz program is. Google this if you have to. 10. Below the whatIsFizzBuzz div tag create a div with an id of numbersContainer 11. Inside of the numbersContainer div create an h2 tag that reads Enter Numbers 12. Below the h2 tag create a label that reads First Number. 13. Below the label create an input tag with a type of text, id of first, and a maxlength of 4 14. Below input tag create a label that reads Second Number 14. Below the label create another input tag with a type of text, id of second, and a maxlength of 4 15. Below the input tag create a div tag with an id of buttonContainer 16. Inside of the buttonContainer div create a button tag with an id of submitButton. Enter the word Submit between the opening and closing button tags. 17. Below the submitButton tag create another button tag with an id of clearButton. Enter the word Clear between the opening and closing button tags. 18. Below the buttonContainer div create a div with an id of resultContainer. 19. Inside of resultContainer div create an h2 that reads Result 20. Below the h2 create a textarea div with an id of result 21. BOOM!💥 You're done.